Salvaged window = DIY wallpaper frames

First rule in government spending: Why build one when you can have two at twice the price?” Any guesses what movie that line is from? (Answer at the end of this post.) I loved these salvaged window frames so much, I bought both of them. This one was a little worse for wear, but it was nothing wood glue and a fresh paint job couldn’t cure.
I got the (free!) wallpaper samples from FabMo, a volunteer effort collecting discontinued fabric samples and other craft materials from the San Francisco design community. Thanks, Hannah and Jonathan!
I also used this window to frame free botanical illustrations. See that post here.

How to turn a salvaged window into wallpaper frames

1. First, repair any broken pieces with wood glue and nails. Clamp them together until the glue dries. Clean, sand any imperfections, and dust the window frame.

2. Prime and paint the window frame. I used spray primer, but decided it was too windy outside for spray painting, so I applied the paint color by hand. I’ve become a fan of sponge paint brushes for painting wood. They give a smoother finish, and allow more control over the flow of paint. Let dry several hours.

3. Measure the openings, then cut 18 pieces of cardboard (two for each opening).

4. Choose your wallpaper samples and arrangement.

5. Using one of your cardboard pieces as a template, cut the wallpaper samples to size. A utility knife, ruler, and self-healing mat made this part easy.

6. Adhere each wallpaper sample to a piece of cardboard with spray adhesive.

7. Insert each wallpaper-covered piece of cardboard into the window frame. Then insert another piece of cardboard behind each. Tape in place with masking tape. Not much tape is needed. The snug fit of the cardboard (plus the wall) will keep them in place.

8. Follow steps 7, 8, and 9 right here to finish this project.
The movie quote answer is Contact (1997) with Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey.

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